MSC Poesia World Cruise 2024: Mindelo, Cape Verde 15 Jan, 2024

I heard the side thrusters as we came into port today at 6 before the alarm went off. A quick trip up to the buffet for a quick breakfast and two cups of coffee. I had no problem finding an empty seat in the back of the ship.

Quick run back to the room for sunscreen and a water bottle (remember water is not free in the morning). Down to Pigelle lounge to meet other passengers. (This excursion was organized by another passenger on Facebook.) The guide Dilson met us at the pier gate. There were people in our group who were late even walking to the gate. A quick walk around the corner and we were at the ferry. Each way appears to be 1500 in the local currency which is $15US. Round trip $30. Not bad at all!!

Cost for me was $100usd for the day or 85€. I paid with dollars as I don’t have a lot of euros.

The ferry ride was scenic and I sat on the deck. Right as we docked I used the toilet and noticed the locals lining up in the back. I was one of the first off the ferry and found the guide right away. The others arrived about 10 minutes later.

John “Lenin” and “Jason” Borne are our guides. 

At our info briefing a man passed out. Fortunately, we quickly dropped the man and his wife off at the hospital. Once on the bus, many repeat passengers snacked on cookies and muffins in ziplock bags. They were very prepared. Although I packed ziplock bags, I had only brought water. Tomorrow I will be better prepared.

It seems as if the return ferry is at 5 not 4 as we were told so we get back to the ship at 6pm.

We planned to go up and over a ridge and hike down to lunch and then drive back to the ship. I grabbed a single seat on the shuttle van as there are bench seats for 2 and a single seat by the window. It is convenient and comfortable with a grab handle.

Our first stop was the hospital to drop off the guy who passed out.  The roads are cobbled which makes for a very bumpy ride. We drove up to the height of land and stopped a few times for scenic vistas. Once up and over the top we started down for a ways. After a bit, we started a hike along a stone paved path. We hiked down and down over 3.5 km and 2500 feet (about 700 meters).

Unfortunately there were people on the hike that were not physically able to do the hike, and we had to wait and wait for them. In fact, the two hour hike turned into a 3 plus hour hike. Finally we waited another 15 minutes at the end and headed to lunch.

By arriving at 3pm, lunch looked amazing but had been sitting out. There were chicken fish and lentils. I felt terrible about not eating but there was no way I was eating food that had set out for hours. Finally they brought out dessert and I had some cake and ice cream. At this point the guide was rushing us. I realized we had less than an hour to get to the ferry. 

The bus driver drove like a madman and honked his horn at goats and dogs and people who were in the road. It was a crazy and wild ride but we made it to the ferry with just a few minutes to spare.

The ride back to the cruise ship took about an hour and a quarter. I literally made my way through the line and then ran back to the ship. I just made it to dinner and ordered duck appetizer, turkey dinner, and two desserts. 

There was a local dance show at 9pm but I needed to prepare for the excursion the next day.

As I got ready to shower, I noticed my toes were smashed from all the steep downhill hiking in the wrong shoes. I had worn my slip on dress sneakers instead of my running shoes. I had a sunburn on both arms. Many lessons learned today. If I host an hiking excursion I want to keep it small and make sure everyone is fit enough to hike and has reasonable expectations.

My new phone battery didn’t last long enough. I am so glad someone loaned me a battery bank to recharge a bit during the hike. Also, I needed to record in Airplane mode because I am certain recording stopped a few times when I received emails from work.

Happy cruising!!
