Carnival Luminosa Day 17: April 28, 2023 Honolulu

I woke up to the 3 tones meaning that there would be an announcement but it was in a crew area. 
The weather was pretty nice and there was a good view of the mountains. If you are sailing on the Luminosa, I do not recommend 5268 as it is across from a crew area so you hear crew announcements. Also, half your view is obstructed by a life boat. Therr is a main drain pipe that uses your shower as a vent and water will spew ourt into your.shower at random times. Skip 5268 and choose a stateroom more towards the middle of the ship where they bump out. Note that in Honolulu the ship docks with Starboard against the dock and Aloha tower. Port gives you a nice view of the shipping cranes.
Even though there was a morning show scheduled, there was a crew drill instead. I heard the crew climb into the life boat below my balcony and start the motor. I decided it was a good time to head out.
I first walked to the Walmart I had visited last time I was here on the Diamond Princess, and it was out of business! On to plan B at the 7-11
I bought a day pass for the local bus. For $9.50 you can ride rhe local busses anywhere on the island for the day. I grabbed the bus to waikiki and the Alomoana Mall. 
The fancy ukulele store had a display where they showed how their super expensive ukuleles are constructed. Perhaps I need to buy a kit!
I used the free wifi and set up on a table and worked for 4 hours. I know it isn't much fun for this blog but sometimes you need wifi and cell service at the same time and ship wifi doesn't cut it. I bought some solar hula dancer dolls for my friends. I also had this great idea to write out some postcards to send to family and friends. 
Postcards are 6 for $2 at the ABC store. I wrote them all out and headed to the US post office at the mall. It costs more than $1.50 now to mail a postcard because they have to be sorted manually. So if I send you a postcard, hang onto it because I probably won't send more. Next time, I will send an email haha. "The weather is here. Wish you were beautiful.... etc."
At the mall, I grabbed a local  Spam Musabi and a liter of water for about $4 and kept working.
I made it back to the ship for a nap and dinner. 
I had seafood chowder, tuna tartar tilapia, and cake with ginger ice cream.
There was a show in the theater but I went out on the promenade deck and watched the luau and recorded the flaming dancers. I took some nice pictures as we pulled out of port and headed to the cabin to sleep because the time is going forward again.
I think it is definitely.easier to cruise west than east. The 25 days are glorious and the date line is simple to understand because you just skip a day.
Happy Cruising!
